HQ CEN COMD and SFAB organise three-week training for personnel of Central Command
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Headquarters Central Command and the United States Security Forces Assistance Brigade (SFAB) have organised a three-week training at the 4 Infantry Battalion (4BN) training area from 24 June to 12 July 2024.

The training which had participants drawn from the Headquarters Central Command Camp, 3 Infantry Battalion 3Bn, 4Bn, 87 Signal Regiment, 154 Armourd Regiment and some detachment within the Command, covered arears such as train the trainer, tactical combat casualty care, weapon training and advanced marksmanship as well as shooting at Bouho Military Range.

The General Officer Commanding Central Command (GOC), Brigadier General Michael Kwadwo Opoku was grateful to the United States Security Forces Assistance Brigade for the continued assistance offered the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF). He indicated that the training would go a long way to improve the professional skills and capabilities of the soldiers.

Brigadier General Opoku urged the participants to apply the knowledge acquired in their endeavours so as to impact their colleagues.

The team leader of the group, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Fritze thanked the Ghana Armed Forces for the partnership and indicated that his team has also learnt a lot from their Ghanaian counterpart.