Tri-service Naval Officers complete orientation training at the Eastern Naval Command, urged to demonstrate commitment and perseverance in the discharge of their duties
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The six-month post-commission orientation training for Tri-Service Naval Officers has successfully come to a close at the Eastern Naval Command (ENC), Tema on Thursday 27 June, 2024.

The orientation provided comprehensive regimental training for the young officers to become more efficient and professional in their assigned duties at their respective Tri-service Units.

The Flag Officer Commanding ENC, Commodore Maxwell Arhen in his remarks urged the officers to work assiduously in the delivery of their duties. He admonished them to be focused and proactive to produce the best results at work.

Commodore Arhen noted that the orientation training has sharpened the skills of the officers and ensure that they are ready to meet the challenges posed to them in their respective Tri-service units.

He therefore advised them to be dedicated, committed, and demonstrate perseverance in the discharge of their duties.