The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), facilitates discussions on the complex relationship between coercion and peacebuilding
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The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), has facilitated discussions on the complex relationship between coercion and peacebuilding during a 3-day authors' workshop that the Centre held from 15-17 November, 2023.

The workshop, which was held in collaboration with the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and the Institute for Peace and Security Services (IPSS), follows the wake of previous engagements held in the same vein.

In an address, the Deputy Commandant KAIPTC, Air Commodore David Anetey Akrong, noted that the objective of the collaboration was to engage in both theoretical reflection and empirical investigation of the central role that coercion assumes in influencing the strategies employed by regional and emerging actors in the context of peacebuilding.

He indicated that the Centre provides comprehensive training programmes for military, police, and civilian personnel around the globe. Adding that the programmes focus on gender dynamics, conflict, and peace and security to equip participants with skills in conflict resolution and sustainable peacebuilding.

Air Commodore Akrong said the workshop would provide a glimpse into the evolution of coercion within the realms of physical and structural violence, investigate the nexus between coercion and the Women, Peace, and Security Agendas, as well as examine ECOWAS coercive approaches with focus on peacebuilding objectives.

He indicated that the discussions would offer nuanced perspectives in diverse peacebuilding contexts, providing stakeholders with insights into a wide range of subjects driving the discourse.

A Senior Researcher at PRIF, Dr Antonia Witt expressed hope that, by the end of the workshop, participants would produce substantial chapters addressing the topic of coercion and peacebuilding. She commended KAIPTC and IPSS for bringing the aspirations of the workshop in reality.

The workshop brought together 23 participants from Ghana, Germany, Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, United States of America, Nigeria amongst others.