UNISFA GHANBATT 2 holds end of tour thanksgiving service and consecration of colours at the St Ignatius Catholic Church in Volta Barracks, Ho.
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The Second Ghanaian Battalion (GHANBATT 2) that served the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), has held an end of tour thanksgiving service on Sunday 7 July, 2024.

The event was held at the St Ignatius Catholic Church of the 66 Artillery Regiment Ho, to thank God for a successful tour of duty and also consecrate the unit colours.

President of the Ghana Artillery Officers Association, Brigadier General Nicholas Kwami Kporku (rtd), who was the Guest of Honour for the occasion, congratulated the nucleus command of UNISFA GHANBATT 2 thus 66 Artillery Regiment and its personnel for a successful tour, urging them to remain loyal, ready and willing to support civil authority maintain law and order in their respective Areas of Operational Responsibility.

He also advised the personnel to make good use of their resources and prioritise retirement in all their financial decisions. He also commended the wives of personnel for their unwavering support and hoped the support would be maintained.

The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sarpong Appiah, admitted that the tour of duty was challenging but by the grace and mercies of God coupled with his guidance and protection, GHANBATT 2 has successfully completed its duty. He commended personnel of the Battalion for their loyalty, vigilance, integrity, dedication, hard work, and professionalism, emphasising that those values made it possible for the Battalion to successfully maintain the needed peace and security in Abyei. He further urged the personnel to continue to maintain the same attributes in discharging their duties in the Ghana Armed Forces.

As part of the thanksgiving service, the Commanding Officer outlined key welfare packages to the Regiment and the Artillery Training School. These packages were contributions made by all Gunners and 7MRS personnel who were on the GHANBATT towards the completion of the Amenity Centre, School lecture hall, the purchase of brand-new instruments for the Artillery Band as well as 2 industrial and 2 commercial sewing machines to the tailoring shop of the Regiment.

The service was graced by the Volta Regional Minster, Honourable Dr Archibald Yao Letsa, Reverend Wing Commander Gershon Yao Tamadonku (rtd), members of RCC44/SSC43, Members from Regional Security Council and the Volta Regional Peace Council, personnel of UNISFA GH2, Officers, Old Gunners and their wives, Soldiers, Defence Civilian Staff of the 66 Artillery Regiment and the Artilley Training School as well as churches across the 7 Garrison.