Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sarpong Appiah expresses gratitude personnel of GHANBATT 2 for their support, dedication, hardwork and accomplishments
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The second Ghanaian Battalion (GHANBATT 2) serving with United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) has held an end of tour get together on Thursday 9 May 2024 at the Battalion Headquarters, Athony Company Operating Base.

Commanding Officer (CO) Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Edward Sarpong Appiah in his opening remarks expressed gratitude to all Key Appointment Holders and personnel of the GHANBATT for their support, dedication, hard work and accomplishments.

He also extended his appreciation to all and sundry whose assistance in diverse ways contributed to the success story of the GHANBATT. He also admonished troops to continue to be vigilant even as they prepare to reunite with their families and loved ones.

The Guest of Honour for the occasion, the UNISFA Ghanaian Contingent Commander (CONTICO) Colonel (Col) Michael Mawuena Yaw Edem Adzo commended GHANBATT 2 for distinguishing itself as worthy ambassadors for peace and security during their deployment with UNISFA. He urged them to continue discharging their assigned tasks diligently and professionally in the remaining days of their tour of duty.

The celebration also featured an award ceremony where deserving personnel were recognized and commended for their hardwork, dedication and exceptional contributions to the success of the Battalion. The celebration was climaxed with an all-ranks dance with beautiful renditions from the Groove Gunners Dance Band.