Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Kobe Boako and some key appointment holders obtain firsthand information ahead of insertion.
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A pre-deployment reconnaissance team for United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Ghana Battalion 91 (GHANBATT 91) led by the Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Kobe Boako has paid a 5-day visit to the mission area.

The visit was to enable the team obtain firsthand information about the operations, administration and logistics situation to facilitate decision making before insertion.

The team paid a courtesy call on the Sector West Commander, Brigadier General Enrico Fontana and the Ghanaian Contingent Commander (CONTICO) Colonel George Abosi Oppong respectively followed by a tour of the various Ghanbatt positions.

Lieutenant Colonel Boako in his remarks commended the Commanding Officer of UNIFIL GHANBATT 90, Lieutenant Colonel Frank Kwesi Agyeman for the detailed briefing and entreated members of the reconnaissance team to reflect all the challenges in their reports for onward submission to the Military High Command.

Other members of the reconnaissance team include Chief Operations Officer Major IKE Adonteng, and Quartermaster Lieutenant  H Owusua- Agyemang.