Colonel Wan Seok Seo, familiarises himself with the operational activities of Ghanbatt.
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Republic of Korea Battalion Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Colonel Wan Seok Seo, has familiarised himself with the operational activities of Ghanbatt.

This comes at the back of a working visit he paid to Ghanbatt Headquarters UNP 5-66 on Thursday 15 February, 2024.

At the Ghanbatt Headquarters, the Commanding Officer Ghanbatt 90 Lieutenant Colonel Frank Kwesi Agyeman briefed him on the duties and responsibilities of the Ghanaian contingent.

Colonel Seo was impressed with the operational assessment of Ghanbatt along the blue line and the mandate of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

He also went on inspection tour of the various Ghanbatt positions to assess the level of destruction caused to properties as a result of the conflict between Lebanon and Israel along the blue line.