KAIPTC has officially opened its training course on UNSOC on Monday 14 August.
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The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), has officially opened its training course on United Nations Staff Officers Course (UNSOC) on Monday 14 August.

The course expected to run for the period of three weeks, is in collaboration with the Women Peace and Security Institution (WPSI) of KAIPTC and funded by Canada under the auspices of the Elsie Initiative Program for women in Peace Operation and also forms part of the ongoing project in ‘Enhancing Ghana Armed Forces Capabilities to Address Barriers to women in Peace Keeping’.

The Course aims at enhancing and equipping prospective staff officers nominated to be deployed in the United Nations (UN) and regional peace operation missions with the requisite knowledge, skills and techniques.

The Deputy Commandant of KAIPTC, Air Commodore Arko-Dadzie in his opening remarks disclosed that, through the UN regional and sub-regional organizations, peace operation is currently the international community’s primary tool for political crisis intervention, conflict resolution and management. According to him, the main focus is to offer a shared understanding of the basic principles, guidelines and policies on UN Peacekeeping to guide personnel as they carry out critical task to assist countries in transition from conflict to peace.

He added that, the course will help develop a robust pool of trained officers of the Ghana Armed Forces who can function as staff officers in Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS), African Union (AU) and UN field mission with a view to contributing to Ghana’s Peace Keeping efforts across the globe.

The Deputy Commandant expressed his sincere appreciation to the Global Affairs Canada for their continuous support and partnering with the KAIPTC to run the course. He further encouraged the participants to interact and exercise a high standard of discipline whilst on the course and during their development.

The Political and Public Affairs Counsellor, High Commission Canada, Ms Grace Lee, in her remarks stressed that Global Affairs Canada is pleased to be funding KAIPTC to deliver the training as part of its project in support of the bilateral partnership with GAF through the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations.

Ms Grace Lee revealed Canada’s belief that women in military and police should benefit equally from development opportunities to UN peace operations as women broaden their range of skills, diversity and capacities available to UN peace operations.

Ms Grace Lee expressed appreciation to GAF, KAIPTC and all stakeholders of the Elsie Initiative for their hard work in making UNSOC happen.