GAFCSC trains participants of Senior Command and Staff Course 45 on Counter Terrorism/Counter Improvised Explosive Device
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The Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College (GAFCSC) has ended a two-day Counter Terrorism/Counter Improvised Explosive Device (CT/CIED) Course 2024 for Senior Command and Staff Course 45 at the Hamidu Hall on Tuesday 30 July, 2024.

 The course which covered Introduction to Improvised Explosive Devices/Detection Techniques, Combating Terrorism in the Sub-Region using Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Approaches, Role of the Police in CT, and Countering Violent Extremists, aimed at training and improving officers' understanding of the challenges in joint, multi-national and interagency planning to appropriately deal with violent extremism and terrorism.

 The Guest of Honour and Commandant of the college, Major General Matthew Essien urged the participants to remain committed and vigilant. He implored them to apply the lessons learned in their endeavours.

He also expressed deep gratitude to the Directing Staff, Course Instructors, and those who contributed to the success of the course, emphasising that the course would have a lasting impact on participants.