Armed Forces Outlines Safety Tips On Fire Prevention
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1. The country will shortly begin to experience the harmattan season. This season is often associated with rise in weather temperature which is usually accompanied by numerous fire incidents. It is possible for both domestic and wild fires to be encountered in and around the Barracks, military installations and our surroundings.

2. Considering the number of fire incidents recorded within the period, it has become necessary for fire safety precautions to be taken in order to avoid destruction of properties and possible loss of human lives during the season.

3. In order to minimise fire outbreaks during the season, all ranks are advised to take the following fire safety precautions:

a. Basic fire safety precautions should be employed at all times especially when using naked fires during the season.

b. Burning of refuse/rubbish in open places should be avoided. Where it becomes necessary to dispose off refuse by burning, it must be done in a controlled area with fire extinguishers on standby.

c. Troops should be extra careful when using charcoal and fuelwood for cooking. Appropriate measures must be put in place to check flying sparks and uncontrolled spread of fire. Unburnt charcoal and firewood should be properly put out

d. Fire belts should be created in areas where necessary.

Contact Armed Forces Fire Service on 0299101141 or 0302774843