DMC embarks on a 3-day awareness campaign on the dangers of drug abuse
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The Duala Medical Centre in Burma Camp has embarked on a 3-day awareness campaign on the dangers of drug abuse amongst 5 Garrison Schools from 6-8 November, 2023.

The awareness campaign was occasioned by complaints the medical facility received from parents and other individuals suspecting a negative influence on drug use in the schools.

During the programme, the school children were educated on the harmful effects of drug abuse on their health, social and academic lives. They were also schooled on breast cancer; early detection and the need for regular check-ups, adding breast cancer could be caused by ageing, gender, genetics, family history, and lifestyle choices.

Senior Medical Officer (SMO) in charge of the facility, Dr Ewura Adjoa Nunoo, indicated that the situation possess danger to the pupil and the community, hence the curb the menace.

She highlighted the harmful effects of substance abuse on students, stating that, aside a range of health problems, such as heart disease and liver damage; the menace, impaired the mental and cognitive abilities of students, leading to poor academic performances.

She emphasized that students who indulged in substance abuse were more likely to engage in risky behaviours, such as sexual promiscuity, and violent acts which could worsen pre-existing mental health conditions and trigger new ones, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis.

The SMO encouraged parents to continue to monitor the behaviour of their children. She also tasked the schools to implement school-based prevention programs to help students develop coping mechanisms, build resilience, and practice healthier behaviours.