Department of Defence Civilian Establishment launches Catering Service at Burma Camp
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In line with projects initiated by Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Vice Admiral Seth Amoama, the Department of Defence Civilian Establishment (DDCE) has launched Catering Service at Burma Camp, on Thursday, 7 December 2023.

CDS, praised the Department for its bold initiative to complement the existing canteen and also provide food and nutrition options to personnel within and outside the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) as well as enhance wellbeing through healthy meals.

He disclosed that the launch aligns with his vision for GAF Units and Departments; generating Internally Generated Funds (IGF) for daily operations and welfare schemes. He hinted that the initiative also aims to provide staff with additional skills to enable them venture into commercial catering services post-retirement.

The CDS acknowledged the Defence Civilian Staff (DCS) for their exceptional administration and management efforts throughout the period and expressed optimism that the initiative would significantly benefit personnel of the General Headquarters, units, and sub-stations out of Burma Camp.

The Director General Defence Civilian Establishment (DG DCE), Brigadier General Anita Asmah, expressed gratitude to CDS for announcing the first-ever project that whipped up their interest, which interest led to the launching the catering services before the end of the year. She assured everyone that the catering services of the Department would provide quality services timeously.