The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Lt Gen Thomas Oppong Preprah breaks ground to modernise Duala Barracks
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The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Lieutenant General Thomas Oppong Preprah has cut sod for the redevelopment of Duala Barracks, Burma Camp on Wednesday, 17 July 2024.

He urged the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Imperial Homes Limited, Mr Francis Biney to adhere to the six-months duration to complete the project. He stated that the project would augment the existing accommodation facilities for personnel of GAF and their families.

In his opening remarks, Commander-Support Services Command, Brigadier General Selasi Gagakuma acknowledged the shortage of accommodation and pointed out that every unit in the Garrison faces similar problems, leading to young soldiers having to rent outside the barracks.

As part of CDS' initiative to expand facilities in Burma Camp, Imperial Homes Limited would construct a two-story building at Duala Barracks. The facility will house 156 personnel and their families with space for market and amenity center.

He thanked the CDS, Lieutenant General Oppong Peprah for addressing accommodation problems in the barracks.