Brig Gen Frimpong (Rtd) Launches Memoir

A book titled “The Military My Life 43 Years, 5 Months, 25 Days” authored by Brig Gen Daniel Kwadjo Frimpong (Rtd) has been launched on Thursday ...
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A book titled “The Military My Life 43 Years, 5 Months, 25 Days” authored by Brig Gen Daniel Kwadjo Frimpong (Rtd) has been launched on Thursday 10 August 2023 at the Burma Hall in Burma Camp, Accra.

The 202-Page book is a memoir of the author which highlights on his primary school days across Ghana, his secondary education and enlistment into the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) in 1970. He discusses his long career in the military, community service, diplomatic life, incursions into academia, retirement and life after retirement. It also throws light on his sojourns in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Canada and the United States of America.

The Guest of Honour and Chairman for the launch, the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Rear Admiral Issah Adam Yakubu, who represented the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Vice Admiral Seth Amoama, in his remarks eulogized Brig Gen Frimpong as a prolific writer and an accomplished retired Military General. He stated that it was not a surprise that the author had been recognized in several awards which includes the distinguished service award from the Advisory Board of Ghana Association of Writers (GAW). 

CNS said, the book brings to bear Brig Gen Frimpong’s rich military background by producing a captivating, historically and a well-researched autobiography wrapped with humor that gives a detailed explanation of some military practices and traditions for the consumption of the reading public.

He further stated that the book was full of motivational and life changing lessons relevant for people in leadership, uniformed and non-uniformed men, people in academia and other fields of endeavor.

The CNS mentioned that he had benefited from the author’s mentorship and guidance as a young officer and as well reading books and articles produced by the author had shaped his understanding and appreciation of life.

In his remarks, Brig Gen Daniel Kwadwo Frimpong (Rtd) encouraged everyone to cultivate the habit of documenting their rich experiences and history which would be useful to current and future generations of the country and the world at large. He also urged Officers and Men of GAF to exhibit professionalism and integrity in the discharge of their assigned duties.

Reviewing the book, Major Albert Don- Chebe (Rtd) asserted that the book provides a historical insight of the life of the author as a secondary school boy in the 1960’s and as well chronicles trials and tribulations of Brig Gen Frimpong in over forty-three (43) years of his career as an astute Military General.