Officers, Soldiers, and Defence Civilian Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces educated on the causes, dangers and prevention of cervical cancer
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A health team from the Arakan Medical Centre have shed light on the causes, dangers and preventive measures of cervical cancer at a lecture held at the Arakan Methodist Presbyterian Church, Burma Camp on Friday19 January, 2024.

During the presentation, the Principal Nursing Officer (PNO), Araba Taylor indicated that cervical cancer was caused by the Human Papilloma virus (HPV), transmitted through unprotected sex, either anal, vaginal or oral affecting both males and females. The PNO explained that cervical cancer was one of the causes of death in women, revealing that out of two thousand eight hundred (2800) women diagnosed of the cancer, one thousand seven hundred (1700) out of the number die from the virus yearly.

The PNO said the symptoms of cervical cancer, includes abnormal bleeding, offensive vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, and pains during sex and added that the symptoms of the disease become sever after 15 to 20 years of infection.

She prescribed regular testing known as Pap smear and immunization for all persons from age of nine years as an effective preventive measure. She emphasized that to achieve best result, it was necessary to immunize before the initiation of sex and urged all to avoid multiple sex partners.