The outgoing CO, Colonel Nyameke has handed over command to …
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The outgoing Commanding Officer (CO), Colonel (Col) Bernard Nyameke has handed over command to Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Joseph Abdulai Luri as the incoming CO of Base Workshop on Friday, 15 September 2023 at the forecourt of Base Workshop, Burma Camp.

Col Nyameke commended personnel of the Unit for their support, cooperation and loyalty since that made it possible for him to effectively undertake his responsibility as CO. He, therefore, admonished personnel to support the incoming CO with the measure of hard work, dedication, and tenacity to improve the Unit.

He used the opportunity to thank all stakeholders especially the German Armed Forces Technical Advisory Group (GAFTAG) and Dzata Cement for their immense contribution to the progress of the Unit during his tenure.

Lt Col Joseph Abdulai Luri, on the other hand, thanked the outgoing Commanding Officer for his dedication of service to the Unit, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout his tenure.

He assured the Military High Command to continue with the good work and also promised to prove himself worthy of trust by working to do his best to improve the interest of the Unit, the corps and the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).