The outgoing Commanding Officer (CO), EMETTS hand over command ...
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The outgoing Commanding Officer (CO), Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Technical Training School (EMETTS), Colonel (Col) Augustine Awuku-Annie has handed over command to Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Emmanuel Essilfie Odoom as the new CO of EMETTS on Friday, 22 September 2023.

The outgoing CO, Col Augustine Awuku-Annie indicated that upon his assumption of office as CO and being guided by the vision of High Command, he developed a three-pronged vision for the school, to wit: to enrich the training package, build capacity and develop key infrastructure.

To enrich the training package, Col Awuku-Annie intimated the course content of the school was reviewed and as a result of that, a four-week industrial attachment was introduced to expose students the current trends in the industry thereby enabling them gain knowledge and practical skills. This made it possible for some students to undertake their industrial attachments at Toyota Ghana Limited, Japan Motors Limited, Oman Fofor, Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority and Celestial Medical Equipment, amongst others.

He asserted that since the outcome of the learning experience of students depended on the instructors, EMETTS took to developing and strengthening the skills and abilities of the instructors of the school. As a result, two sessions of short courses were conducted for instructors during course breaks. Other opportunities were also created to enable instructors develop their skills.

In terms of infrastructure, the outgoing CO stated that EMETTS concreted its compound which formerly got flooded whenever it rained. Additionally, a workshop with an overhead cover was constructed and a bay to provide an appropriate workspace for practical training automobile technicians. “The workshop also offers automobile services … at affordable costs”, he said. More so, other projects were undertaken and amongst them were the building of a guard post with washroom, the manufacturing of a mobile hand washing machine, and a podium with an inbuilt microphone.

Col Awuku-Annie acknowledged all stakeholders who supported to realize the three-pronged vision during his tenure. Consequently, urged all personnel to render the same support to the incoming CO.

The incoming CO, Lt Col Odoom, in an acceptance speech, thanked and congratulated Col Awuku-Annie for the tremendous work done and promised to keep the flame burning and to build EMETTS.

Awards were presented to appreciate the efforts of some stakeholders who helped to give the training school a facelift.