GHANCOY 8 collaborates with GDSF for blood donation exercise at Essau District Hospital in the North Bank Region of The Gambia
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In furtherance of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and strengthening ties with security elements in The Gambia, Ghana Company (GHANCOY) 8 has collaborated with the Gambian Defence and Security Forces (GDSF) to donate blood at the Essau District Hospital in the North Bank Region on Friday 18 July, 2024.

Speaking at the event, the Contingent Commander of the Ghanaian troops, Lieutenant Colonel Abraham Puoriyelle Dery emphasised the importance of the blood donation exercise noting that it was aimed at saving lives.

According to the CIMIC Officer of GHANCOY 8, Captain Christle Konadu Odame, blood donation had been a regular feature of previous Ghanaian deployments, and involving GDSF personnel for the first time she hoped would go a long way in enhancing relations with the local populace and security forces.

The Medical Officer of GHANCOY 8, Lieutenant (GN) Christopher Boadi Sarpong indicated that the exercise was conducted with strict adherence to the medical standards for blood donation. He extended gratitude to the Essau District Hospital for making their facilities available for the exercise and added that it was aimed at encouraging voluntary blood donation.

The Regional Health Director for North Bank West Region, Mr Ibrahima Baldeh lauded the exercise, stating that the blood donated would go a long way in aiding locals in dire need of blood especially during maternal cases. He expressed appreciation to ECOMIG and GDSF for their immense support through the exercise.