...Brig Gen Winfred Dzandu-Hedidor has handed over command and responsibilities to Brig Gen Augustine Asiedu...
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Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Winfred Dzandu-Hedidor has officially handed over the command of Director General, International Peace Support Operations at the General Headquarters (DG IPSO) to Brigadier General Augustine Asiedu.

The handing/taking over ceremony took place at the IPSO Conference Hall, Burma Camp on Wednesday 16 August 2023.

During his farewell speech, the outgoing DG mentioned that his team worked hard to elevate the department's international standing. He indicated that the international status of the department was recognised and conceptualized as the Global Eye of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) which became their slogan.

Among their accomplishments, the office space was restructured to improve efficiency. They upgraded workstations and furniture in the DG's office. They also established a system with a Duty Desk Officer and a clerk to manage the time difference between Ghana and the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The Chief of Staff (COS) at the General Headquarters, Major General Nicholas Peter Andoh, who served as the Guest of Honor, stressed the importance of loyalty, unity, effective leadership, and a positive work attitude. COS encouraged the incoming DG and personnel to prioritize quality leadership, be consultative, and maintain professionalism, as they represent the ‘Global Eye’ of the GAF.