“The Lady In Boots” authored by Late Maj Gen Constance Edjeani-Afenu (Rtd)
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A book titled “The Lady In Boots” authored by Late Major General (Maj Gen) Constance Edjeani-Afenu (Rtd) has been launched on Wednesday 6 September 2023 at the Burma Hall in Burma Camp, Accra.

The 326 pages is a memoir of the First Female Major General in the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) which highlighted her childhood through to her career as a Military Officer, a Peacekeeper, Diplomat, wife, mother and a servant of God.

She illustrated the hope and expectations of all females of the GAF putting into consideration Gender Mainstreaming, which serves as a reference of leadership to any young female who aspires to join the GAF.

The Guest of Honour and Chairman of the launch, the former Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) and currently Ghana’s Ambassador to Egypt, His Excellency Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Obed Boamah Akwa (Rtd) in his acceptance remarks thanked all present at the event and acknowledged how unique the launch is, due to the personality of the author.

HE Lt Gen Akwa (Rtd) continued that the author gave a detailed account of her life, her family and her profession for the benefit of posterity. He further mentioned that, the author being able to do all these before her passing to eternity is an eloquent testimony of her foresight, commitment and sense of purpose.

Reviewing the book, Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Anita Asmah emphasised that the book provides historical insights of the author in the military and her massive contributions in the gender mainstreaming in the GAF.

She disclosed that a whole chapter of the book is devoted to gender contemporary issues and it will go a long way to receive a practical lecture on gender equality and mainstreaming within the GAF and the United Nations (UN).