Security services in Bawku play friendly games to create good working relationship
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Security services in Bawku have organised men’s football competition at the Bawku Secondary School on 28 May 2024.

The Guest of Honour, Deputy Director-General of Prisons/Administration, Mrs Patience Baffoe-Bonnie, in an opening address, indicated that the event was geared towards fostering esprit de corps amongst all the security agencies and also creating a good working relationship among the Security Services in efforts at bringing lasting peace to the people of Bawku.

She entreated the personnel to continuously demonstrate to the community a peaceful coexistence as a model for the community to emulate.

In a closing remark, JTF Commander Colonel Owusu Appah expressed iterated the need for security personnel to work together at all times. He noted that socialization and improving the working relationship among the security agencies was the main effort of the competition.

The competing teams include Ghana Armed Forces, Ghana Police Service, Ghana Prison Service and the Ghana Immigration Service football teams. The first phase of the competition saw Ghana Armed Forces and Ghana Police Service qualify for the final of the competition after beating Ghana Prison Service and the Ghana Immigration Service respectively. GAF emerged champions in the grand finale by beating the Police Service by a goal to nil.

 The event was crowned with a presentation of a football, a volleyball, table tennis balls and table tennis sets (2 pairs of bats, balls and a table tennis net) to the Bawku Secondary School by the Guest of Honour, on behalf of the Heads of the Security Agencies in Bawku.