UNMISS, GHANBATT 10 has extended its benevolence to the Arakan Medical Centre in Burma Camp
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The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Ghanaian Battalion 10 (GHANBATT 10) has extended its benevolence to the Arakan Medical Centre in Burma Camp with charity donation on Tuesday 10 October, 2023.

The items which include 3 digital blood pressure machines, 3 infrared thermometers 4 digital auxiliary thermometers, 3 sets of Samsung air conditioners, 3 sets of 43 inches television, a refrigerator and lawn mower, formed part of the Corporate Social Responsibility programme of the GHANBATT.

Commanding Officer GHANBATT 10 Colonel (Col) Prince Tandoh, presented the items and expressed confidence it would greatly contribute to the medical services provided to troops and their families at 5 Garrison and its environs.

Receiving the items, the Nursing Officer in-Charge (NOIC) of the Centre Col Josephine Kumordjie, on behalf of the Senior Medical Officer expressed gratitude to the GHANBATT for selecting the Centre as beneficiary of the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. She acknowledged that the items would significantly enhance the quality of services provided at the Centre.