Lt Gen Mohan Subramanian commends Lt Col Dominic Ampomah for his efforts and excellent leadership
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The Commanding Officer (CO) of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Ghana Battalion (GHANBATT) 11, Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Dominic Ampomah on Tuesday 23 July 2024 received the Force Commander’s (FC) commendation for his efforts and excellent leadership.

The FC, Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Mohan Subramanian in his citation commended Lt Col Ampomah for his astute leadership and commitment to the attainment of the United Nations mandat and the enhancement of morale, motivation, and discipline of troops which has inured to the maintenance a high standard of discipline within his Battalion.

Lt Gen Subramanian indicated that, Lt Col Ampomah has over the period established a good working relationship with other battalions and international staff within the Sector and the Mission as a whole.

The FC cited the professional manner in which the able command and leadership of Lt Col Ampomah handled armed clashes in the general area of Kalgai and Philling in Leer County of Unity State and Pariang as well as the crisis between the defected armed group of Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) and main SPLA-IO.

The citation also captured the professional manner in which the Ghanbatt helped to secure and protect the lives of over 2000 people and provided protection for a number of humanitarian aid workers and International Non-Governmental Organization staff.

Lt Gen Subramanian acknowledged that through the ingenuity of Lt Col Ampomah, a comprehensive veterinary plan was drawn leading to the treatment and vaccination of about 27,237 cattle, goats and sheep within Bentiu, Leer and Koch counties.

He also made reference to operational readiness and training, that enabled the Battalion to achieve an excellent grading of 93.59% in the operational readiness evaluation, drawing commendations from the Sector Headquarters and Mission Leadership.

The citation also indicated the construction and renovation projects as well as a range of projects initiated including the upgrade of internet connectivity across all GHANBATT positions to enable troops to communicate with their families back home at no cost to them.