Lt Col Mark Ankobiah has handed over command of the STS to...
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Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Mark Ankobiah has handed over command of the Signals Training School (STS) to Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Abraham Tetteh on Friday 25 August 2023 at the Signals Training School in Burma Camp, Accra.

The first phase of the ceremony was the signing of Handing and Taking Over Certificate by the Outgoing and Incoming Commanding Officers under the supervision of the Guest of Honour, Commandant Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Major General (Maj Gen) Bismark Kwesi Onwona.

The second phase entailed the handing over of the Command Baton and a brief farewell speech delivered by the Outgoing Commanding Officer of STS. During his speech, Lt Col Mark Ankobiah expressed gratitude to High Command and personnel of the School for the support he received during his tenure. He indicated that a lot has been done in constructing the new Signals Training School and he is grateful for all who supported in the accomplishment of the project especially the German government through the German Armed Forces Technical Advisory Group (GAFTAG) and the Signal Wives Association (SWA).

The Outgoing CO urged his successor to follow up with the initial plan and foundation of the realisation of construction of an ultra-modern barbering shop by the School which will help in generating funds for the management of the school.

Lt Col Mark Ankobiah served the School for three years and five months. He now holds the appointment of Deputy Director at the Directorate of Communications in charge of Operations and Training.