School of Ordnance closes first half courses for 2024
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The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), School of Ordnance has held a closing ceremony for its First Half Courses for 2024 on Friday 5 July, 2024 at the School Headquarters Accra.

The 24-week programmes which had a total of 258 enrollment was designed to equip students with essential skills in store management, tailoring, and leather crafting to meet the human resource capacity of GAF.

The Guest of Honour and Deputy Commandant at the Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command, Commodore Prosper Modey, in his address entreated all to upgrade themselves with upgraded courses to arm them with the needed skills and competency for future assignments both home and abroad.

He applauded the students and instructors for their hard work and sacrifices over the past weeks and for successfully completing the course. He hoped that the skills acquired over the weeks would have positively on their duties in their various units. He extended utmost appreciation to the students for their tremendous support to the school.

The Commanding Officer (CO) School of Ordnance, Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Edna Antwi in her address requested higher command to expedite work on relocating the school to enable it accommodate the increasing number of students.

She commended the students for their high level of comportment and discipline expressing gratitude to the Commanding Officer of the Base Ordnance Depot, Lt Col Godfred Akyeampong and commended staff of the school for their effortless support and hard work over the period.

The Basic Courses are equivalent to Level 100 Diplomas in Procurement, Supply Chain Management, and Fashion Design, with completion certificates issued by GAF in affiliation with Accra Technical University (ATU). The courses include Storeman Ordnance BIII, Storeman General Duties BIII, Tailoring BIII, and Leather Works BIII.