The Ghana Armed Forces Musical School (GAFMS) has held a graduation ceremony for Bandsman Course II (AI - AIV) at the Central Band Square on Tuesday, 5 December 2023.The course which has equipped the upcoming bandsmen with musical knowledge and basic instrument proficiency, saw them demonstrating their dazzling musical prowess to the admiration of audience.The Guest of Honour, Deputy Commandant Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command, Brigadier General Lawrence Kwaku Gbetanu, commended the CO and instructors for their outstanding work. He added that the ceremony marked a significant milestone for the Armed Forces Musical School as it has showcased dedication enhance musical excellence. Commanding Officer (CO) of the School, Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Jonathan Mawah, said the course has been tailored to churn out competent bandsmen to GAF and the nation, as well as prepare them for any task. He also encouraged them continue working hard in order to improve upon the skills acquired. The ceremony ended with awards being presented to graduands who excelled in the course. Sergeant (Sgt) Eshun William was adjudged the best in AI Class while Able Seaman Class I (AB I) Ninkyi Timothy Kwamena was adjudged the best in AII Class. Private Soldier (Pte) Basoah Isaac Kwamena and Trooper (Tpr) Danso Vaak Godwin were adjudged the best in AIII and AIV, respectively.
The Ghana Armed Forces Musical School (GAFMS) has held a graduation ceremony for Bandsman Course II (AI - AIV) at the Central Band Square on Tuesday, 5 December 2023.
The course which has equipped the upcoming bandsmen with musical knowledge and basic instrument proficiency, saw them demonstrating their dazzling musical prowess to the admiration of audience.
The Guest of Honour, Deputy Commandant Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command, Brigadier General Lawrence Kwaku Gbetanu, commended the CO and instructors for their outstanding work. He added that the ceremony marked a significant milestone for the Armed Forces Musical School as it has showcased dedication enhance musical excellence.
Commanding Officer (CO) of the School, Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Jonathan Mawah, said the course has been tailored to churn out competent bandsmen to GAF and the nation, as well as prepare them for any task. He also encouraged them continue working hard in order to improve upon the skills acquired.
The ceremony ended with awards being presented to graduands who excelled in the course. Sergeant (Sgt) Eshun William was adjudged the best in AI Class while Able Seaman Class I (AB I) Ninkyi Timothy Kwamena was adjudged the best in AII Class. Private Soldier (Pte) Basoah Isaac Kwamena and Trooper (Tpr) Danso Vaak Godwin were adjudged the best in AIII and AIV, respectively.