GAFCSC holds Multi-Domain Operations Module

GAFCSC introduces a two-week Multi-Domain Operations Module to introduce new concepts of warfare and modern military operations.
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The Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College (GAFCSC) has introduced Multi-Domain Operations and Future Warfare module as part of its curriculum for Senior Command and Staff Course 45 on Monday 27 May 2024.

The two-week module covers weekend students from the Master of Science in Defence and International Politics programme(MDIP), with the aim to introduce new concepts of warfare and modern military operations.

It has been designed to enhance participants' understanding of Multi-Domain Operations and their importance in contemporary warfare. It would also explore factors that contribute to stress in operational commanders, such as high-stake decision-making, and discuss common psychological challenges faced by commanders, including decision fatigue and moral injury.

In his welcome address, the Commandant GAFCSC, Major General Matthew Essien, emphasized that the module focuses on the complexities of Multi-Domain Operations.

He highlighted the need to understand the synergies, keystones, and interdependencies among various domains and the importance of integrating them to achieve both operational and strategic objectives.

He revealed that the programme would offer participants the opportunity to engage with subject matter experts, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration with peers dedicated to enhancing military capabilities. He also underscored the critical role of media in the success or failure of modern warfare, noting its significant impact on public perception through battlefield reporting.

The Commandant encouraged all participants to approach the sessions with an open mind, a renewed sense of determination, a willingness to learn, and a readiness to challenge conventional wisdom and operational norms.