UNIFIL GHANABATT 90 Force Commander Lieutenant General Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz calls on UNP 1-0A
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The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL GHANBATT 90) Force Commander (FC), Lieutenant General Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz has visited UNP 1-0A amid security concerns on 20 August 2024.

This was in response to the incident on 18 August 2024, where four (4) troops sustained minor injuries during an administrative movement along the main supply route (Echo Road) due to an airstrike that occurred approximately 30 meters from their vehicle. This visit emphasised the importance the Force Headquarters (FHQ) places on the safety of peacekeepers and force protection in general.

The FC visited two (2) soldiers receiving medical care at the Company Aid Post, offering his good wishes for their swift recovery. He also took a camp tour, using the opportunity to interact directly with the troops. He strongly emphasised the need for all personnel to consistently wear their protective equipment both inside and outside the camp to maximize safety. Additionally, he stressed the urgent need to bolster force protection measures at all positions as cross-border attacks keep intensifying between armed groups in Lebanon and Israel.

This visit reaffirms his steadfast commitment to the safety and welfare of the troops, especially given the recent events in Southern Lebanon. It also underscores ongoing efforts to maintain high levels of readiness and protection within the battalion. Moreover, the visit highlights the critical importance of vigilance and preparedness in ensuring mission success.

Upon his arrival, the FC was received by the Sector West Commander, Brigadier General Stefano Messina, the Commanding Officer (GHANBATT 90) Lt Col Frank Kwesi Agyeman, and the Military Advisor to the Permanent Mission of Ghana at the United Nations HQ, Brig Gen William Agyapong.