FCPOII ACQUAYE MICHAEL assumes office as the new Coxswain at Naval Base Tema
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Fleet Chief Petty Officer Class Two (FCPOII) Acquaye Michael has taken over the role of Coxswain at the Naval Base Tema (NBT) from Fleet Chief Petty Officer Class One (FCPO1) Sapaty Johnson Kofi at the Junior Rates Mess on Friday 16 August 2024.

In his remarks, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Naval Command (ENC) Commodore Maxwell Arhen recognized the commendable service of the outgoing Base Coxswain. He lauded FCPO1 Sapaty Johnson Kofi for his unwavering dedication, loyalty, and exceptional leadership qualities, which demonstrated his commitment to duty. Commodore Arhen expressed gratitude to FCPO1 Sapaty Johnson Kofi for his immense support to all personnel during his tenure and wished him well as he assumed his new appointment as the Command Coxswain at the Riverine Command.

The newly appointed Base Coxswain, FCPOII Acquaye Michael, expressed appreciation for the groundwork laid by his predecessor and pledged to exert his best efforts to advance the growth of the Command and further enhance its achievements.

As a token of appreciation from ENC, FCPO1 Sapaty Johnson Kofi was presented with a citation, an undisclosed monetary gratuity, and a 50-inch television set as part of his farewell recognition.