GHQ Records holds orientation cadre for newly employed staff of the Department
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The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) Department of Military Records has organized an orientation cadre for its newly employed Defence Civilian Staff (DCS) from 27 July to 2 August, 2024.

The cadre provided the platform for the newly employed personnel to be schooled on the ethics of the Department as well as everything they needed to know about GAF.

They were taken through the mission and vision of the Department of Civilian Establishment, the structure of GAF, and the organization of Military Records and conditions of service.

Other areas include the chain of command in addressing grievances, code of service discipline, social media, retirement and documentation.

The Director General of Military Records, Brigadier General Joseph Vander-Pallen commended the Officers, instructors, and the Civilian Administrative Personnel Officer (CAPO) for their tireless efforts. He encouraged the DCS to work and live like a family for the betterment of GAF.

The CAPO of the Department, Madam Grace Sarpong thanked the entire hierarchy of the Department for their active participation and enthusiasm in making the orientation successful. She urged the DCS to apply the knowledge acquired in the discharge of their assigned tasks.