Delegation from Brazilian Navy Ship Apa Calls on FOC

Brazilian Navy and the Ghana Navy strengthen the bilateral cooperation for upcoming joint exercise “Exercise Guinex”
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A delegation from Brazilian Navy Ship Apa (BNS Apa) has paid a courtesy call on the Flag Officer Commanding (FOC) Eastern Naval Command, Tema, Commodore Maxwell Arhen on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

The visit aims to seek support and indulgence in the upcoming joint exercise “Exercise Guinex” and also strengthen the bilateral cooperation between Brazilian Navy and the Ghana Navy.

The Commanding Officer, Commander Goilheizme Santos accompanied by the Brazilian Defence Attaché to Ghana, Colonel Anderson Narsues and Liuetenant Souza Melo said the visit was part of the Brazilian defense initiative to deepen cooperation with Ghana.

According to him, Brazil considers Ghana as a reliable ally in security at strategic and operational levels emphasizing that collaborating with Ghana was imperative.

Commander Goilheizme Santos expressed his country’s willingness to cooperate in the area of defence and security.

The FOC, Commodore Maxwell Arhen thanked the Commander for the visit and for upholding the relationship that existed between the two countries and assured him of the Ghana Navy’s support in defence and security cooperation.