The Ghana Armed Forces Central Band, an embodiment of military tradition and doctrine has over...
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The Ghana Armed Forces Central Band, an embodiment of military tradition and doctrine has over the years lived up to its billing and championed the course of producing fine regimental as well as dance band music at military and state functions.

Breathtaking performances of military rhythm, one which follows a precision for producing spectacular sensation reflecting top notch standard has characterized their flair for charging every atmosphere and lifting morale. The Central Bands admirable has represented of Ghana Armed Forces and Ghana as a whole on the international stage cannot be understated.

The West African sub region has high recognition for the Central Band, reason it has dominated most parade grounds and displayed during state functions such as Independence Day celebrations and other important public gatherings.

The Central Band has blended the mark of professionalism with competence in the discharge of its duties making it the only important military component to be seen smartly turned out and performing at special events, military tattoos and parades, to boost esprit de corps, adding dignity to military ceremonies. They also renders services during wedding ceremonies, parties birthday celebrations and funerals.

When times are hard such that men cannot find a condensed elliptical expression to qualify such situations, the power to turns things around and mend broken hearts lay in the confines of the band to calm nerves and bring back the moment of activated joy.