The Army Special Forces Basic Course 2 and Snipers Basic Course 1, officially closed ...
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The Army Special Forces Basic Course 2 and Snipers Basic Course 1, officially closed with a graduation ceremony on Thursday 3 August 2023 at the Headquarters, 64 Infantry Battalion in Burma camp, Accra.

Addressing the troops, the Guest of Honour, Commandant, Training and Doctrine Command, Major General (Maj Gen) BK Onwona, who stood in for the Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) Maj Gen Thomas Oppong Peprah said, he was glad to witness the graduation ceremony of the second batch of Special Forces (SF) operators and the first batch of Special Force Snipers baked and grilled through the collective efforts of qualified and experienced personnel from the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).

Maj Gen Onwona further added that the initiative of the Army Headquarters asset in the ongoing reforms was to establish creditable special operations assets in GAF to spearhead efforts to deal with the southward thrust of violence extremists to the northern frontiers.

He urged them to developed skills in foreign language, intelligence, psychological operations, civil affairs, Information operations to aid them compete with other elite forces in the world.

He used the opportunity to wish the various teams representing Ghana in the EX CAMBRIAN PATROLS 2023 in the United Kingdom and the team for the BEST WARRIOR competition 2023 in the United States of America the very best. Adding that they should be proud to represent Ghana. He commended the overall best on the Special Forces Basic Course and the overall best on the Sniper Basic Course.

Maj Gen Onwona applauded the effort of the Commander Army Special Brigade Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Isaac Nicholas Paintsil, and his staff for a job well done.

The Commander Army Special Brigade, Brig Gen Isaac Nicholas Paintsil expressed his gratitude to the Military High Command for the opportunity to serve. Stating that he and his staff would do everything possible to produce a force that is well-trained, equipped and motivated to serve in the interest of the country.