GOC-Southern Command commissions a one-storey accommodation block for Young Soldiers of the 2 Infantry Battalion
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The General Officer Commanding (GOC) Southern Command, Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Samuel Yeboah Asare has commissioned a one-storey accommodation Block for Young Soldiers of the 2 Infantry Battalion at Myohaung Barracks on Friday 26 July, 2024.

The edifice which was initiated by the Commanding Officer of the Unit, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Atobrah Bondah, with the support from corporate organizations and individuals is made up of 14-rooms - including a bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Brig Gen Asare commended the Commanding Officer, 2 Infantry Battalion, Lt Col Daniel Atobrah Bondah as well as Officers, Soldiers and Defence Civilian Staff for bringing into fruition such a magnificent and modern infrastructure. within the shortest possible time.

He opined that a decent accommodation was a morale issue that was at the heart of every professional army. Therefore, the leadership of the Ghana Armed Forces prioritised the provision of decent accommodation for troops and their families.

GOC mentioned that the Barracks regeneration project across all garrisons was a classic example of the commitment of the Government and the Military High Command to provide suitable accommodation for service personnel.

He therefore admonished occupants of the building to ensure proper maintenance at all times, and cautioned the personnel to act professionally by remaining apolitical in order to preserve the sanctity of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. He added that, in view of the camaraderie, support and cooperation amongst all stakeholders must be sustained in the quest to preserve the peace and security of the country.

The Commanding Officer, 2 Infantry Battalion, Lt Col Bondah revealed that having identified accommodation challenges in the unit, in particular, and the Ghana Armed Forces in general, projects are initiated to compliment the efforts by government and the military hierarchy to provide suitable accommodation for personnel.

He stated that the Unit is resilient in building a cohesive, versatile, professionally efficient and highly motivated unit capable of accomplishing all assigned tasks and missions

He acknowledged the sacrifice, loyalty and devotion of the personnel of the unit in realizing the dreams of the Unit. He also extended his sincere gratitude to all development partners and friends of the unit for their support.

Stakeholders of the project were recognised with plaques.