Command Chalk of UNISFA GHANBATT 2 receives a rousing reception after a successful tour of duty in Abyei
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The 66 Artillery Regiment has organised a heartwarming reception for the Command Chalk of Ghana Battalion 2 (GHANBATT 2) of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

The rousing welcome was held on Monday 25 June 2024, at the Obeng Square of the Regiment by the Commander Rear Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Jalali Din Ibrahim to officially welcome Lt Col Edward Sarpong Appiah and troops back to the Regiment.

It was a joyful reception as troops and families met the personnel in town on their arrival and had a route march to the Obeng Square in the barracks amidst drumming, singing and dancing.

The Commander Rear Lt Col Jalali Din Ibrahim thanked God for bringing the unit back safely from Abyei and congratulated the peacekeepers for upholding the mandates of Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) and the United Nations (UN) in the professional discharge of their duties.

In a remark, Lt Col Edward Sarpong Appiah, recalled some of the challenges his Ghanbatt encountered on arrival at Abyei and was grateful for a successful completion of their tour of duty.

He also acknowledged with admiration the hard work of the Commander Rear and all personnel of the Regiment.

The celebration was climaxed with the popping of champagne and a toast to working together as a family to achieve the mission and mandate of the Regiment and GAF.