EXERCISE FLINTLOCK medical team provides dental care for the people of Tamale
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As part of Exercise Flintlock, a Dental Civic Action Programme (DENTCAP) was successfully conducted at the 6 Medical Reception Station (6 MRS) in Tamale on Wednesday 15 May 2024.

The collaborative effort led by medical teams from both the Ghana Armed Forces and US Army aimed to provide access to dental care for the local populace, promote oral health and wellbeing.

The event featured a comprehensive lecture on oral hygiene delivered by the Senior Dental Assistant at the 6MRS, Staff Sergeant Boakye Seth. He emphasized the importance of regular dental care and proper oral hygiene.

The initiative drew an attendance of about 200 people from the adjoining communities around the Kamina barracks highlighting the significant impact and reach of the event. Some of the conditions treated include, chronic periodontitis, plaque induced gingivitis, retain root, fracture tooth, dental caries, apical periodontitis and irreversible pulpitis.

Additionally, participants received free toothpaste and toothbrushes to encourage the continuation of good oral hygiene habits at home.