The ECOMIG FC, has paid a maiden working day’s visit ...
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The ECOWAS Military Intervention In The Gambia (ECOMIG) Force Commander (FC), Colonel (Col) Ousmane Aly Kane, has paid a maiden working day visit to Ghana Company 7 (GHANCOY 7) at Barra at the North Bank Region of the Gambia.

The aim of the visit was to give the FC the opportunity to meet troops for the first time since deployment to familiarize with them. It was also to enable him acquaint himself with the Unit’s operations, administration and challenges since taking over from GHANCOY 6.

In his Remarks, the FC expressed his delight in the familiarization with troops of the Unit. He said he was also thrilled by the efforts made by GHANCOY 7 in carrying out its operations relentlessly even in the face of impediments such as bad weather and the incapacities of friendly Security Agencies in executing Joint Operation with ECOMIG.

Col OA Kane also commended GHANCOY 7 for its achievements in the area of Civil – Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and he encouraged troops to make CIMIC a priority in order to achieve the Mission mandate.