ISQ Competition Winners present Trophies to FOC, ENC

Winners of the Intellect School Quiz present awards and trophy to the Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Naval Command
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Winners of the Intellect School Quiz (ISQ) competition, the Young Sailors Academy, have presented their awards to the Flag Officer Commanding (FOC), Eastern Naval Command (ENC), Commodore Maxwell Arhen on Monday, 8 July 2024.

The team delivered exceptional performance, securing victory in the 2024 second edition of ISQ, Kindergarten category.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Commodore Maxwell Arhen lauded the pupils for their outstanding performance and emphasised the importance of intellectual competitions, describing it as an opportunity for the pupils to exhibit their competencies and knowledge.

He also appreciated the teachers for coaching and supporting the pupils to win the competition.

In recognition of their accomplishments, Commodore Arhen provided the school with a set of playing equipment and pledged to oversee the renovation of the playground to enhance its appearance.