Military High Command reposes confidence in Lt Col Faustina Dennison, appointing her as CO Def MT Bn
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Colonel (Col) Justina Frimpong handed over her responsibilities as Commanding Officer (CO) of the Defence Mechanical and Transport Battalion (Def MT Bn) to Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Faustina Dennison on Friday 20 September 2024.

The Support Services Commander, Brigadier General Selasie Gagakuma, who presided over the event praised both senior officers for their capability and competence. He commended the outgoing CO, Col Frimpong, for overseeing the completion of a 52-unit Young Soldiers' accommodation block and urged the incoming CO, Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Dennison, to continue her predecessor’s good work. He also advised Lt Col Dennison to remain fair and firm, avoiding factions that could cause conflicts.

In her remarks, Col Frimpong thanked the unit's personnel for their support during her tenure and encouraged them to extend the same to the new CO. She highlighted her achievements, such as providing accommodation for personnel, vehicle maintenance through the supply of spare parts, and the renovation of the Bravo Company parking shed. She also noted her collaboration with GOIL to resolve fuel challenges.

Lt Col Dennison assured the troops that she would continue her predecessor’s work and requested their support to accomplish her mission.