Lieutenant General Thomas Oppong–Preprah presents new office equipment to General Headquarters (GHQ) Records
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The Chief of Staff (COS) Major General Joseph Prince Osei-Owusu has on Tuesday 30 April, 2024 presented office equipment to General Headquarters (GHQ) Records, Burma Camp.

COS revealed that the presentation was in fulfilment of a promise made by Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Lieutenant General Thomas Oppong–Preprah during a working visit to the unit. He entreated personnel to deploy the equipment strategically and effectively to ensure significant enhancement of military records, in line with the CDS’ vision.

The Director General Military Records, Brigadier General Joseph Vander-Pallen, thanked the CDS for delivering on his promise. He assured the CDS of the efficient use of the equipment to improve existing military records for the betterment of the Ghana Armed Forces.

The items presented included state of the art Desktop computers, Printers, Uninterrupted Power Suply units, and Wi-Fi adapters, amongst others.