GAFCSC in partnership with One Ghana Movement lunches Republic Day Lecture
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The Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College (GAFCSC) in partnership with One Ghana Movement has launched its maiden Republic Day Public Lecture at the Hamidu Hall on Monday 1 July, 2024.

The event which was under the theme "Reflections on Democratic Control Over the Military: A Way Forward for Sustainability", aims to improve professional knowledge, leadership, communication skills, as well as strengthen Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC). It featured Ambassador Josephine Nkrumah and Professor Kwasi Aning as review lecturers.

Chairman for the event, Minister for Defence, Honorable Dominic Nitiwul emphasized the need for democratic oversight of the military, effective inter-agency coordination and modernization of the military to ensure national security and development. He commended the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) for its professionalism and stressed the need for its personnel to be employed in banks and state institutions after retirement.

The Commandant GAFCSC, Major General (Maj Gen) Matthew Essien, expressed gratitude to the distinguished speakers for sharing their knowledge and insight on the Public Lecture. He also extended his heartfelt appreciation to One Ghana Movement for partnering and establishing an enduring working relation with GAF.

Maj Gen Essien noted that the lecture has been structured to explore the democratic oversight of the military in order to strengthen and sustain it for national development. He emphasized that the engagement reflected crucial issues such as military effectiveness, operations, sustainable peace and security, as well as exchange of ideas that transcend disciplinary boundaries to inspire creative thinking.

In a PowerPoint presentation, the principal Speaker and former Minister for National Security, Mr Francis Poku Esq, said emerging threats such as internal conflicts, corruption, youth unemployment and maritime crimes, required effective inter-agency coordination and collaboration to curb.

He added that the democratic control of the military and rule of law was necessary to ensure human rights and security and entreated the government to provide resources for the modernization of the military.

Mr Francis Poku Esq also urged the military to consider investing in agriculture and infrastructure to assist national development.